- Destiny
- Luck
- Feng Shui
- Philanthropy
- Education
1) Destiny
- Destiny is the inheritance of, and influence by, conditions already determined at our birth.
- Though we cannot change our destiny, we can predict the timing of events and adapt to circumstances accordingly. If the weather report forecasts rain, we can bring an umbrella. If it is windy, we can put on a windbreaker. Likewise, if our destiny does not seem rosy, we can look to geomancy for help.
- Compiled by the Chinese thousands of years ago, the 'Hsia Calendar' enables us to erect a person's 'Four Pillars of Destiny' with information like the year, month, day and hour of his birth.
- The 'Four Pillars of Destiny' is a scientific tool used by the Chinese since ancient times to reveal the cosmic components of each person. In this method, our birth data is expressed as a composition of the 'Five Element' - Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth.
- Our 'Four Pillars of Destiny' consists of two elements each, therefore making a total of eight elements, or what we call the 'Eight Characters'. From these 'Eight Characters', we can determine whether our 'Self Element' is Metal, Water, Wood, Fire or Earth.
- Our destiny can be revealed by assessing the 'Strength' and 'Weakness' of these elements and how they interact with one another. Knowing the 'Strength' and 'Weakness' of our 'Self Element', we can use 'Favourable Colour Schemes' and 'Directions' to enchance our destiny.
2) Luck
- Our destiny and luck cycle can be revealed by analysing the interactions amongst the components of our birth data.
- Luck refers to variations in our fortune - the 'Ups' and 'Downs' in our life. If we address the factors that control our luck, we can 'Moderate the Downs' and 'Maximise the Ups' and even 'Transform a Poor Fate into a Successful One'.
3) Feng Shui
- 'Feng Shui' is the 'Art of Living' in harmony with the environment. It is also about how the environment conditions us and how we, in turn, influence our environment.
- Knowing the factors that control our luck, we can enhance them with 'Feng Shui'. But, if our luck is down, 'Feng Shui' can buffer the hard knocks and rude shocks that come our way.
4) Philanthropy
- 'There is a cause and effect for our every action'. If we create more good causes, we can change our 'Karma' and thereby improve our destiny.
5) Education
- Education opens the door to opportunities for a better life. It teaches us to acquire 'Knowledge', a commodity of utmost importance in this 'Information Age'.
- Learning is a lifelong process, and helps us become a better persons.